Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Movie Review:Ninja Assasin

I'm going to start posting movie reviews and doing a quick 3-5 minute sketch based on it. Seeing as I need something to flex my creative muscles and practice drawing and I am obsessed with movies this seems like the perfect avenue.

Ninja Assasin is a fun movie. Anything more expected of it is meaningless I think, and the trailers were pretty accurate in giving you what you were in for. The body count and the blood in my opinion is more than any slasher movie and if that is your thing, then this movie will not disappoint. Someones head gets chopped in half within the first 5 minutes and more gore is to follow in the opening sequence..the main title splatters acroos the screen in blood just to let you know, get ready, we are not holding back. The fight sequences were cool and it was interesting to see a movie that has the ambition to mix realistic gore effects with the over-the top deaths and action of n old school Hong Kong action movie. The kind that Kill Bill paid homage to. Only differnce is there were no stumps spurting blood with tongue in cheek unrealistic fashion. I have not mentioned the plot at all, because I think its not worth mentioning. Guy learns to be a Ninja, they kill his lady friend, he wants revenge....so basically the same plot as every other Van Damme, Seagal movie of the 80's and 90's. But those movies were fun, and to me, this was too, if you have a strong stomach for endless dismembered bodies. cheers

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