Wednesday, June 22, 2011

More Lantern Adventures

I love doing these. I will have to do a few more.

The Mighty Thor

I have expressed my love for this character on this blog before. I have posted images of him before. The movie I really enjoyed, just to see one of my favorite characters come to life if anything. But the film was good. Here is my newest interp. of the Odinson. Hope you like it.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Girl with Dragon Tattoo

I like this movie, the second one was ehhh. But I love the character, I see what all the hype is about. Anyway I wanted to do this pic. Hope you like it.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Kilowog trains the human

In loving honor of the new movie that just came out here is a little Green Lantern scene. I really like the character, although I haven't read a bunch of the comics. I have read some. I have not seen the movie at the time of this post, but I have been looking forward to it for a long time. The early reviews have been rough. But I don't care, I still want to see it.

Spidey Villains

I did this off and on during car trips and late nights on vacation. It is one of the many things I created while experimenting with a new style. I really liked the way it cane out. I want to ink amnd color this one day but I figured it was cool to post in the pencil stage. I hope you dig it .