Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life in Comics #15: Birthday Skate

We had a skating party for the little one and I discovered something I knew, but not as well as I thought...skating is not like riding a bike. My family did fine, but I was like a cow on ice. I actually never fell, I just almost did over and over. But I was able to get around and have some father son bonding time in the center of the rink with all the other little kids and special people who were novices.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Life in Comics #14: Groundhog Day

This "holiday" is so goofy, and I still don't get it. It did spawn one of my favorite movies, so thats a good thing. But really, does the groundhog EVER NOT see his shadow? And this is showing just what ol' Phil is thinking when they drag the poor guy out of that hole.