Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quick Sketch Review:Sherlock Holmes

Going in to Sherlock Holmes you expect Robert Downey Jr. to be awesome becasuse he always is. He was born to play Tony Stark(Iron Man), and now I believe the same about Sherlock Holmes. His and Jude Law's chemistry is so fun and interesting thatthat alone is worth seeing. Its Holmes so there has to be a myster, which is good, but there are only so many different ways a crime can be committed and its only in how it is solved that makes it interesting. Holmes and Watson's way of using their keen observation skills in true classic-Holmes fashion make the standard play very fresh and fun. They have an Odd couple-esque relationship in that Holmes is so brilliant but a mess and Watson is not quite as brilliant but brilliant none- the- less and is much more refined and classy. The trailers I might add do not do the film justice. Don't think you are going to see slapstick action and Wild Wild West 19th century contraptions, because this movoe is not that at all. I thought the same thing, buty I had a feeling it wold be more than that and I was right. Lastly, the unsung hero, the 6th man in this movie is Guy Ritchie's sense of setting and atmosphere in this movie. Studios could save a lot of money on 3D if they were able to get directors to do what Guy Ritchie does here,. The drab grays and grimy streets of old London are so convincing you feel like you are there. I don't know all the cinematic nuances to make this achievement but it works and it works well. I recommend it,.

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