Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Quick Sketch Review: Inglorious Bastards

One of the best movies of the year with out a doubt. There is not alot more to be said about them than hasn't already been reiterated over podcastss and movie review sites. But I will explain how these great movies made me feel. Inglorious bastards is a film fan's movie. It makes so many references to great films not in content, but in style, that are too numerous to mention. the strength of this movie, which is deceptively not filled with action, is in its pacingh. It is slow. However, it is masterfully crafted. Quentin Tarantino has a way of using long scemnes of dialogue, very intersting dialogue about not a whole lot by the way, to build tension. Inglorious bastards from start to finish is like Your mom or dad telling you you're going to get a spanking for something you did, but not telling you when, or where. They just drop that sweat inducing piece of info to make you anticipate uncomfortably for what is about to happen but because everything is so ordinary, you have no idea when the bomb will be dropped. that is inglorious bastards, and it is so fun to experience.

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