Finally, 2010 Movies Year in Review. I consider myself somewhat of a film geek among other things so I may be able to enlighten on a few things you haven't heard about. I'm not going to do the same old Best of List, this is more of a recommendations list, from what I have seen anyway.
My Most Disappointing movies of the year 2010 Jonah Hex
Last Airbender
Tron: Legacy (Beautiful effects, but what a snoozer. I fell asleep, and I wasn't tired)
Machete (should have been so much more fun than it was)
Iron man 2 (still liked it, but man could it have been better!)
Most Fun Movies of the year
Scott Pilgrim
Pirhana 3D
Exit Through the Gift Shop
McGruber (stupid fun all the way)
How To Train Your Dragon (You messed up if you didn't see it in 3d!)
Despicable me
Movies You may have not seen, heard of or thought weren't good, but I highly recommendMother (its subtitled, but I'm telling you it is an AWESOME thriller)
Social network (My #1 film of the year)
Exit Through the Gift Shop (just watch it, guarantee you will be intrigued)
Pirahna 3D (not for the kiddies!!)
Splice (weird and just wrong in the best way)
Mother and Child
Scott Pilgrim vs the World (SHAME on you for not seeing it!!)
127 Hours
Best Performances of the yearJames Franco (127 Hours) (He's going to lose the Oscar to COlin Firth, but he deserves SOMETHING!)
Jesse Eisenberg (Social Network)
Natalie Portman (Black Swan)
Andrew Garfield (Social Network) Huge Oscar SNUB fr best supporting actor!!
Annette Benning (Mother and Child)
Naomi Watts (Mother and Child)
Noomi Rapace (Girl With the Dragon Tattoo)
Tom Hardy (Inception)
Vincent Cassell (Black Swan)
John Malkovich (Red)
Worst Performances Everybody in Last Airbender!
Jessica Alba (Machete)
Dolph Lundgren, Jet Li (Expendables)